Most pediatric patients with diabetes have type 1 diabetes mellitus
(T1DM) and a lifetime dependence on exogenous insulin. Diabetes mellitus
(DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder caused by an absolute or relative
deficiency of insulin, an anabolic hormone. Insulin is produced by the
beta cells of the islets of Langerhans located in the pancreas, and the
absence, destruction, or other loss of these cells results in type 1
diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus [IDDM]). A possible
mechanism for the development of type 1 diabetes is shown in the image
below. (See Etiology.)
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
(non–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus [NIDDM]) is a heterogeneous
disorder. Most patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus have insulin
resistance, and their beta cells lack the ability to overcome this
resistance.[1] Although
this form of diabetes was previously uncommon in children, in some
countries, 20% or more of new patients with diabetes in childhood and
adolescence have type 2 diabetes mellitus, a change associated with
increased rates of obesity. Other patients may have inherited disorders
of insulin release, leading to maturity onset diabetes of the young
(MODY) or congenital diabetes.[2, 3, 4] This topic addresses only type 1 diabetes mellitus. (See Etiology and Epidemiology.)
is probably the most disliked and feared complication of diabetes, from
the point of view of the child and the family. Children hate the
symptoms of a hypoglycemic episode and the loss of personal control it
may cause. (See Pathophysiology and Clinical.)[5]
mild hypoglycemia by giving rapidly absorbed oral carbohydrate or
glucose; for a comatose patient, administer an intramuscular injection
of the hormone glucagon, which stimulates the release of liver glycogen
and releases glucose into the circulation. Where appropriate, an
alternative therapy is intravenous glucose (preferably no more than a
10% glucose solution). All treatments for hypoglycemia provide recovery
in approximately 10 minutes. (See Treatment.)
Occasionally, a
child with hypoglycemic coma may not recover within 10 minutes, despite
appropriate therapy. Under no circumstances should further treatment be
given, especially intravenous glucose, until the blood glucose level is
checked and still found to be subnormal. Overtreatment of hypoglycemia
can lead to cerebral edema and death. If coma persists, seek other
Hypoglycemia was a particular concern in children younger
than 4 years because the condition was thought to lead to possible
intellectual impairment later in life. Persistent hyperglycemia is now
believed to be more damaging.
In an
otherwise healthy individual, blood glucose levels usually do not rise
above 180 mg/dL (9 mmol/L). In a child with diabetes, blood sugar levels
rise if insulin is insufficient for a given glucose load. The renal
threshold for glucose reabsorption is exceeded when blood glucose levels
exceed 180 mg/dL (10 mmol/L), causing glycosuria with the typical
symptoms of polyuria and polydipsia. (See Pathophysiology, Clinical, and
All children with diabetes experience episodes of
hyperglycemia, but persistent hyperglycemia in very young children (age
< 4 y) may lead to later intellectual impairment.[6, 7]
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis
(DKA) is much less common than hypoglycemia but is potentially far more
serious, creating a life-threatening medical emergency. Ketosis usually
does not occur when insulin is present. In the absence of insulin,
however, severe hyperglycemia, dehydration, and ketone production
contribute to the development of DKA. The most serious complication of
DKA is the development of cerebral edema, which increases the risk of
death and long-term morbidity. Very young children at the time of first
diagnosis are most likely to develop cerebral edema.
DKA usually
follows increasing hyperglycemia and symptoms of osmotic diuresis. Users
of insulin pumps, by virtue of absent reservoirs of subcutaneous
insulin, may present with ketosis and more normal blood glucose levels.
They are more likely to present with nausea, vomiting, and abdominal
pain, symptoms similar to food poisoning. DKA may manifest as
respiratory distress.
Injection-site hypertrophy
children persistently inject their insulin into the same area,
subcutaneous tissue swelling may develop, causing unsightly lumps and
adversely affecting insulin absorption. Rotating the injection sites
resolves the condition.
Fat atrophy can also occur, possibly in
association with insulin antibodies. This condition is much less common
but is more disfiguring.
Diabetic retinopathy
The most
common cause of acquired blindness in many developed nations, diabetic
retinopathy is rare in the prepubertal child or within 5 years of onset
of diabetes. The prevalence and severity of retinopathy increase with
age and are greatest in patients whose diabetic control is poor.
Prevalence rates seem to be declining, yet an estimated 80% of people
with type 1 diabetes mellitus develop retinopathy.[8]
Diabetic nephropathy and hypertension
exact mechanism of diabetic nephropathy is unknown. Peak incidence is
in postadolescents, 10-15 years after diagnosis, and it may occur in as
many as 30% of people with type 1 diabetes mellitus.[9]
a patient with nephropathy, the albumin excretion rate (AER) increases
until frank proteinuria develops, and this may progress to renal
failure. Blood pressure rises with increased AER, and hypertension
accelerates the progression to renal failure. Having diabetic
nephropathy also increases the risk of significant diabetic retinopathy.
Progression may be delayed or halted by improved diabetes
control, administration of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE
inhibitors), and aggressive blood pressure control. Regular urine
screening for microalbuminuria provides opportunities for early
identification and treatment to prevent renal failure.
A child
younger than 15 years with persistent proteinuria may have a nondiabetic
cause and should be referred to a pediatric nephrologist for further
Peripheral and autonomic neuropathy
peripheral and autonomic nerves are affected in type 1 diabetes
mellitus. Hyperglycemic effects on axons and microvascular changes in
endoneural capillaries are amongst the proposed mechanisms.
changes involving cardiovascular control (eg, heart rate, postural
responses) have been described in as many as 40% of children with
diabetes. Cardiovascular control changes become more likely with
increasing duration and worsening control.[10] In adults, peripheral neuropathy usually occurs as a distal sensory loss.
is another complication, and it which may be caused by autonomic
dysfunction. Gastric emptying is significantly delayed, leading to
problems of bloating and unpredictable excursions of blood glucose
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